T'was the night before recruitment, when all through the Chi Omega house,
Not a sorority girl was stirring, not even a mouse.
The red t-shirts were hung in our closets with care,
In hopes that PNM's soon would be there.
And those PNM's were nestled all snug in their dorm beds,
While visions of greek letters danced in their heads.
Their tote bags were packed with snacks and deodorant and more,
Plus that little U of I Formal Recruitment booklet, full of outfit ideas galore.
The first round of Open House was just hours away,
Soon the Chi Omega girls would be ready to talk and pass out lemonade from trays.
The PNM's truly had no idea what house they would like best,
All they could do was be themselves and try to get some rest.
When the clock struck midnight and the girls began to fall asleep,
Just one Chi O let out her last peep.
We heard her exclaim as she turned out the light,
"Happy Recruitment to all, and to all a good-night!"
Your Nav Bar Here
meet the chef: DAVE
Where are you from? I grew up right here in Champaign - Now, I live in a big ol' Victorian house about 25 miles outside of town.
Tell us about your family: They're driving me crazy! Just kidding, just kidding. My daughter is a straight-A student - She's a dedicated dancer, too, so we travel all over for competitions. My twin boys are die-hard basketball players. They've been playing since they could walk! We actually have a full court set up at my house. And then my wife has been a nurse at Carle for the past 20 years. She loves her job.
How long have you been cooking for Chi O's? Since '97. Going on sixteen years.
What's your favorite meal to cook? I love making prime rib. And my famous twice-baked potatoes, too. In the summer, I grill out all the time. I do a lot of slow smoking on the grill and stuff like that. And I feed the neighborhood. We have big Nascar races parties on the weekends and I'm always using the grill.
How did you get into cooking? I actually starting cooking here on campus in '91. Before that I worked for a five-star restaurant here in town. I just love to cook - It's kind of been my thing.
If you could eat just one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? Oh, man, that's a hard one... I really love fruit, it's good for ya. Fruit or vegetables.
Favorite part about being the Chi O chef? Chi O's RULE. This is the best house to work in. You girls have always been so great; I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. When you girls aren't here in the summer, I stick around the Chi O house. I clean, move furniture, and take care of anything that needs to be done. I do it all. You girls get whatever you ask for. It makes my life easier when you girls request meals. You call it, I'll fix it! That's how the whole smoothie thing got going. So now we do smoothies once a week.
Tell us about your family: They're driving me crazy! Just kidding, just kidding. My daughter is a straight-A student - She's a dedicated dancer, too, so we travel all over for competitions. My twin boys are die-hard basketball players. They've been playing since they could walk! We actually have a full court set up at my house. And then my wife has been a nurse at Carle for the past 20 years. She loves her job.
How long have you been cooking for Chi O's? Since '97. Going on sixteen years.
What's your favorite meal to cook? I love making prime rib. And my famous twice-baked potatoes, too. In the summer, I grill out all the time. I do a lot of slow smoking on the grill and stuff like that. And I feed the neighborhood. We have big Nascar races parties on the weekends and I'm always using the grill.
How did you get into cooking? I actually starting cooking here on campus in '91. Before that I worked for a five-star restaurant here in town. I just love to cook - It's kind of been my thing.
If you could eat just one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? Oh, man, that's a hard one... I really love fruit, it's good for ya. Fruit or vegetables.
Favorite part about being the Chi O chef? Chi O's RULE. This is the best house to work in. You girls have always been so great; I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. When you girls aren't here in the summer, I stick around the Chi O house. I clean, move furniture, and take care of anything that needs to be done. I do it all. You girls get whatever you ask for. It makes my life easier when you girls request meals. You call it, I'll fix it! That's how the whole smoothie thing got going. So now we do smoothies once a week.
Thanks, Dave! You're the BEST.
It's a Family Affair
For today's post we would like to turn the spotlight on the pledge family of Grandma Ali K, Mom Sam A, Baby Brittany B, and Baby Rachael C! I could try to explain the inseparable bond they have but I'd rather let Rachel C tell you herself.
"They don't call them pledge families for nothin! My pledge family truly has turned into my family away from
home! From going out to dinner, having sleepovers, or even studying we try to spend as much time together as possible! I love my pledge family because they will drop anything they're doing, no matter how important, if I need a shoulder to cry on or just someone to talk to! Every time I see someone in my family I can't help but smile and attack them with hugs even if I had already seen them that day. Plus Sam, Ali, and Brit are total riots to hangout with! We all have a serious side and a goofy side that mixes together so well! Words can't describe how much I LOVE MY PLEDGE FAMILY! "Fun facts: we all come from small towns, we all are obsessive studiers "
There's nothing like a bond of sister, especially a twin, even a pledge twin.
"Having Brit as my twin has been an absolute blessing! I considered her a friend in the beginning but once we were in the same family, we started spending so much more time together. Now I consider her one of my closest friends and a sister for life. She's one of those girls I can look at and already know she will be in my wedding. Anytime I walk into the Chi O house, I automatically look for Brit to talk about all the latest things happening in our lives. Most of our time spent together we are laughing about something! I LOVE MY TWINNIE!!"
Clearly there is a lot of love in this fam and so much enthusiasm as they are expecting at least two new baby 16s!!!
What time is it? RECRUITMENT TIME
From outside of the Chi Omega house this week, everything may appear calm and quiet at first, however if you were to stick around long enough you would hear the cheers of the very enthusiastic women of Chi O practicing for recruitment! Below is the schedule of the week, from getting pumped up to going supply shopping, the Chi O's have a full schedule of fun and hard work!
9:00am Attendance
9:30-Noon practice
12pm-1 LUNCH
1pm Committee time!
2-4:30 break + outfit checks
Throughout the day we're singing, laughing, dancing, and decorating until we tuck ourselves in for the night and you find yourself falling asleep to the songs stuck in your head and dreaming about doing it one more time!
With only half of the week left, we could not be more thrilled to keep on practicing, knowing that in only a couple of weeks, our work will have paid off and a lovely bunch of new Chi O's will be running across the Quad to their home away from home!!
Hoot hoot have a great day! We know we will :)
Survey Says...
What’s the difference between two pledge classes? To get to know our eldest pledge class and our
youngest (until the new 16’s come in a few weeks!) we handed out a survey to
get to know them a little better. From
pop culture to politics, we asked them a wide range of questions! From the 13’s
class we asked Katie R! Then, from our 15’s class we asked Leanna B and Carly Z! Take a
look at their answers!
What’s your major?
History Speech pathology (currently & hopefully permanently) Nursing
Favorite Chi O memory? Bid Day! our 15's
retreat!! Going out
with my pledge class!
Do you take the complimentary shampoo/conditioners from hotels
home? Always. i usually do not!!! Always
Best memory of this summer? Driving up to Galena for the day to
shop & eat. . the first night back together with all of my friends from
home! Being
crowned Miss Iriquoise County Fair Queen 2012 J
Who is our Vice President? Lady Dine oo....uhm
so embarrassing that i don't know 100%...but dick chainey? Joe Bidden
(didn’t have to google)
If you could be any Harry Potter character, who would you be? Luna
Lovegood definitely hermione! she is just the coolest girl ever. Ginny
Weasley because she’s kind and brave and marries HP
Favorite place on campus? The Law Library CHI O
Country or Dubstep? Country baby! country all
the way. basically the only thing i listen to. Listen to country…dance to
dub step
What movie could you watch over and over and still love? Mary Poppins mean girls,
bridesmaids, & my big fat greek wedding! Sweet Home Alabama
Favorite Olympic sport to watch? Swimming girls
gymnastics! they're just amazing Women’s Gymnastics
What are Chi Omega’s colors, formally speaking? Cardinal and
Straw? cardinal & straw Cardinal & Straw (My mom who was
in KKG at UIUC even knew!)
Do you own a pair of Crocs? Nope. i do not..... No and never
Favorite food Dave makes? All the deserts! I LOVE TACO
TUESDAYS!!!!!! Meatball Sub Sandwiches
Favorite Trash/Reality TV Show? Kardashians the Bachelorette Real Housewives of OC
Coke or Pepsi? Either pepsi please:) Diet Coke
all the way!!!!
What is your biggest pet peeve? People who constantly blow their
nose in lecture i
just really don't like when people are rude. People being intolerant of
each other
What is the most played song on your iPod/MP3?
I'm Alive by Kenny Chesney & Dave Matthews
Come over-kenny Chesney
Something Bout a Truck – Kip Moore
Ryan Lochte or Michael Phelps? Do you know who these people are?
Phelps! Lochte is too flashy I really really like both of them. I think ryan
is going to be the next michael in the next olympics! he's just not very
smart... Absolutely know them!! Have to choose Michael Phelps
Have you ever fallen asleep in the Pine room? Oh yeah many
times YES!!! sooooo comfy. Yes! Haven’t we all?
Celebrity Crush? Jake Gyllenhaal zac effron
& channing tatum & ian somerhalder & eric dane <3333 Ryan Gosling
If you could pick anywhere to live the rest of your life, where
would it be? Arizona TENNESSEE! that was my dream school. and if i didn't love chi o
and this year so much, i'd be there right now. extremely happy with my choice
to stay here tho! My Hometown of Crescent City, IL
Chipotle or Qdoba? Coco Merro or Coldstone? Starbucks or
Espresso Royale? Chipotle Coldstone & Starbucks chipotle! coco merro!
starbucks!!! now i'm hungry.... Chipotle, Coco Merro, and Starbucks!
What is your favorite thing about Chi Omega? All the
friends I've made! Oh and the rain jackets
every little thing you could love about it, i
do. To sum it up, its just home. i'm always comfortable and surrounded by
people who genuinely care about me. i am so grateful to
know all of these great ladies. i'm so proud to wear my letters. It feels
like my second home

If you could have dinner with any five people, dead, alive, or
fictional, who would they be? Harry Ron Hermione Dumbledore & Hagrid. CHRISTIAN
GREY. damon from vampire diaries. serena from gossip girl. harry potter. &
christian grey again. My grandfather who passed away before I was born, Florence
Nightingale, Kate Middleton, Marilyn Monroe, Abraham Lincoln
What are you looking forward to the
most this semester? Baby Hooties! And not having to sit on the floor during Chapter. i'm
excited to have my own little baby!!! can't wait to be a momma. i think the whole recruitment experience will be
really really fun and exciting!! Making as many senior memories with
my pledge class as I can!
Looks like across the board, we love country, Chipotle and Starbucks, of course Dave's cooking, Harry Potter, the Olympics, and do not support Crocs. Proud supporters of trash tv, yet perhaps when we aren't napping in the Pine Room, we should brush up on who is running our country!
Wish we had the time to post everyone's answers, to really see the diversity of the likes, dislikes, and unique personalities of the wonderful ladies of Chi Omega!
Overall, from youngest to oldest, it is clear that our love for our house is constant. We are all so excited for a new year at our home away from home and looking for new Chi Omegas to share it with. :)
Thanks Leanna, Carly, and Katie, we love you!
moved in + ready
We're HOME!
And by home, we mean the Chi O house. Today was Move-In Day - We said goodbye to our families, began the unpacking process, and reunited with sisters. Now, we're finally settled into our rooms...
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